Saturday 10 May 2014

Going Live - Research and Moodboards

On 16th January 2014 our class was given the brief for the Going Live project by Axis Animation/VFX. The brief was to create an animated piece that tells the back story of a character or race in The Hobbit. It had to be visually striking but keep in with the values of the feature films.

After the first group meeting once the brief had been handed out, we already had some ideas for the story. One of the first steps I took was to do some initial research into the subject area of Tolkien to immerse myself into that world. This included web-based research, I found the website Pinterest to be a great way of collecting visual research:

Research also included looking through relevant books such as:

Once initial research was done, I collated what I had found into specific and relevant Moodboards that could be used by the group for ideas, inspiration and reference going into the designing stage of production:

Hobbit Imagery:
Link to 'Hobbit' Pinterest Board

Paper Dragons:
Link to 'Paper Dragons' Pinterest Board

Eagles and Dragons:
Link to 'Eagles and Dragons' Pinterest Board

Illustrated Maps and Landscapes:
Link to 'Illustrated Maps and Landscapes' Pinterest Boards

Fire and Smoke:
Link to 'Fire and Smoke' Pinterest Board

These Moodboards I then added to the main project board in the studio, which was also starting to be filled up with rough storyboards and other moodboards, which different members of the team have contributed to:

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